Mystery solved/1

The mystery of the missing sleep has been solved! Between my neurologist and my psychiatrist, we now know why I have been averaging two hours of sleep a night for several months.

At 55, I was diagnosed with autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. But it took until I was 69 to diagnose me with bipolar disorder. I am now on valproic acid and doing very well, thank you, if I can learn to stop going to sleep with my face in my chocolate bar. But at least I am GOING TO SLEEP. T has to go wake me up every now and then so I can get my face out of the chocolate, get the chocolate off my face, get the clothes off my back and the nightgown on, and go back to sleep, but I am sleeping again! All I want to know now is, as messed up as my brain is, how in the heck have I accomplished as much as i have accomplished?:

LEGAL NOTICE: To the spammer: You have been reported to the FCC. Every spam you send me is immediately forwarded to the FCC. You are in imminent danger of having your computer confiscated and being forbidden to use the Internet for a period of time varying from six months to permanently, depending on how long you keep this up. As you’ve already been at it for more than a year, you are digging your grave deeper and deeper. Just sayin’. The FCC will make the final determination.

Foi, I am entering that script we wrote about 23 yeas ago in a contest next month. Wish us luck.

Now I’m going back to bed. I hav a lot of sleep to catch up on.

4 responses to “Mystery solved/1

  1. Glad to hear that you solved the mystery and are getting more sleep now. I have to say that I feel there are worse things to fall asleep with your face in than a chocolate bar. (grin) As for your question about how you have accomplished so much with your brain so messed up…Lunatic asks himself the same question all the time. Epicness must just run in the family. Now I just need to solve the mystery of my missing sleep, though I am sure part of it is due to the rash making me so uncomfortable. Love you!

  2. Maybe Lunatic also is bipolar also. I thought Faith was the only one in the family besides me, but Bill says Heather is also. Oh, dear, what can the matter be. Lee says we can’t color inside the lines because we can’t see the lines. Do you agree?

  3. That makes sense to me. I’m so glad you found out and are starting to feel better.

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